parent folder action mapping?
Hi ! i have search a lot but nothing. could somebody help me? is possible to change the parent folder action by keyboard.xml or other way? THANKS!!
Can you elaborate on changing the parent folder?
Of course. i have mapped the backspace in keyboard.xml , now when i press it, go back and refresh my add-on container . i would like that parent folder (..) to be press, or select can do the same.
is it posible?? or is it a stupid crazy? Wink
Sorry, I still don't understand the action you require from the parent folder.
The backspace on the keyboard.xml is already by default assigned to: "Back". The assignment of "Select" is set to the Enter or the Return key.

When you say add-on container are you making an add-on? Or are we still discussing the parent folder inside of KODI itself?
Well , sorry , i have my keyboard.xml with The <backspace> run a script for two action ; back and before refresh container . The addon is for tvshows , and de back-refresh is for watch or unwatch episode. You watch a episode and when you go back , show a list of episodes of a tv show , and if not refresh no change the unwatch episode. I would like , if it is possible, mapp the ".." For this two action Wink ... Sorry for my bad, bad english
For watch and un-watching an episode default assignment is "W"

May be easier to press "W"

Just referring to refresh of the episode list/watched episode action, is it a specific needed action, or something that can be mapped to another button?
Yes, is a specific needed action, I don't want user interaction , it must be automatic. I have do it with keyboard, remotes, remotes app(ios, android) MCE , CEC control , all work fine in my addon with custom keyboard, remote, appcomand xmls . When you go to the determinate page where back-refresh is needs , the customs are charge and reloadkeymaps , when back-refresh finished , custom are delete and reloadkeymaps again. I am afraid that it is not possible with touchscreen and parent folder (..) Wink

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parent folder action mapping?0