Music tagged correctly (Musicbrainz + Mp3 Tag) but shows up wrong in kodi Silvo.
So this is my issue, or multiple issues.

I've Musicbrained and Mp3tagged my Flac music, but some are still show up wrong.

Before I start, I should say that I had the "get additional info" and "prefer online info" settings on, so if the sllution is htat that info is saved somewhere, even when i remove the library then it would be good to know where I can delete it. Now I just have the: get additional info on, and even without it these problems arise.

As an example:

I have Alicia Keys, Beyonce, Linkin Park.
When I go to artist view I get the albums that some of these artists have collaborated on inside the artist "folder". And inside that specific album there's the track they've been collaboratong on. This happens even though I've changed the Album artist to the specific one, and removed collaborations.
I also have 2 Alicia Keys, but one of them should be Beyonce, since her album art, artwork and fanart are in it, and it only has like one song with Alicia Keys, but the artist name in the library view is Alicia Keys.
And then the one that it says "Beyonce" on, has Jay-Z's art on it, and his collaboraiton with Linkin Park. Can't figure this out.

The there's the issue with Dream Theater.
I have all their albums, and also some that have the band members in, but aren't done by the band. So I want them all in one, and I changed their album artist to just Dream Theater, and put them in the same folder, but they show up as different artist but with the Dream Theater name on them all, but different fanart.

And then there's Dave Matthews Band.
Dave has one solo album, but I want them all to show up in one, and they show up as Dave Matthews Band, but as 2 different artist, and the one contains his solo album.

What m I missing here?
You may possibly just need to disable the option to include compilation artists. See for details
Thanks for the reply, however I never had that option enabled anyway.

I solved the problem, needed to change info in "extended tags" in mp3tagger.
So.. despite the title of the thread, Music was tagged incorrectly?
Well, yes and no.

Musicbrainz tagged them correctly, but it seems like they were not tagged correctly by me. I just didn't expect Musicbrainz to tag both artists for the specific songs in the "extended tags".

You live, you learn.

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Music tagged correctly (Musicbrainz + Mp3 Tag) but shows up wrong in kodi Silvo.0