missing videos from scan
I have looked through the forums and self help guides and have not been able to solve the problem that I have.

I purchased a Matricom g-box q and installed the latest kodi stable on it. What is happening is when I scan my server (windows 10) for videos it only adds a few (27 to 29) and the rest are not listed in kodi when it completes the scraping. This is happening in multiple directories. The odd thing is that I have the same problem with an Asus EEEbox that I installed openelec onto.

Here is where I get confused. I have a computer setup with kodibuntu and it finds and plays all the videos fine. The library populates all the videos just fine. So I have ruled out the possibility that I have the incorrect format for the movies or the windows shares are not working properly.

Any chance that someone might know why this is happening and have a solution or a workaround that I can try?


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missing videos from scan0