2.0 USB External Hard Drives
I have an Intel NUC that only supports USB 2.0. I got a great deal on it and am using it as a HTPC running Kodi and Windows 10. It came with a 60gb ssd and 4gb of ram, along with a copy of Windows. The problem I foresee is that my drive space is quite limited, so I was looking into adding an external drive to host media. Would USB 2.0 be sufficient for this or do I need to upgrade the NUC to a newer model? I hate to do that because I love this machine. 1080p movies along with lossless audio would be all I need the external drive for. If USB 2.0 is capable, I would rather just keep what I have and add the external drive. Any opinions or suggestions?
USB 2.0 is perfectly adequate, just get something that's externally (vs bus) powered.
USB 2.0 is plenty fast enough.
Thanks guys. I was looking at several, all have external dc power supply's so I'll just make choice off from reviews and my own experience with the brand. I'm thinking a wd or seagate should do just fine based on your responses.
Have you thought about a NAS? Long term, that would be the better choice I would think...

but yeah, nothing wrong with 2.0
AFTV (non-rooted + Kodi)
WD My Book Live NAS
(2016-02-01, 04:59)shabuboy Wrote: Have you thought about a NAS? Long term, that would be the better choice I would think...

but yeah, nothing wrong with 2.0

I have given it some thought, but honestly the price difference and adding another piece of network complexity keep telling me to stay away from NAS. I know the transfer speeds would be much higher, but if a usb 2.0 external will suffice for mainly music and some occasional 1080p files anything better would be overkill for what I'm wanting to do. There may come a point in the future where I would consider NAS, but at that point I would likely have an entirely different htpc anyway. Thanks for the idea though, it's definitely a valid suggestion. I imagine it's overkill for what I need to do though.

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2.0 USB External Hard Drives0