Help setting up IR. Directions do not work.
I have never been able to set up the IR properly and nobody has been able to give me an answer at the OE forum.

While it is quite easy to get UP, DOWN, ENTER and so on to work. I can not get numbers or letters to work.

Placing "0x800f0401 KEY_NUMERIC_1" into the keymap causes that button to throw a "." (period). In fact, NONE of the number or letter commands work. Just the basic PLAY, STOP and so on. All numeric commands end up throwing a letter, not a number.

I am using these instructions:

But no matter what code I place for the #1 button... It always throws a PERIOD. And #2 throws an "A", It ends up throwing the letters for the numbers (like on a dial pad) rather than the number. So it KNOWS it is the #2 key because it throws the letter that would be on the #2 button of a phone. ? And I can not get ANY button other than the number pads to throw a LETTER to the unit.

I would like to get a button to throw a "C" so I can open the context menu with the remote. Placing the code "KEY_C" does nothing. It seems as if the code to assign the key, does not work. Even though the directions imply it would.

I am using a CuBox with the built in IR and the IR works fine. I can see the code for each button when I am reading the button codes. I just can't seem to get them to assign to a key stroke. Some folks at the OE forum said that it can not be done, but then why have the instructions on how to do it?
On my 3 systems using MCE Remote Controls, the "Guide" button serves as "C", and during playback of a movie it serves as "O".
(2016-03-04, 22:48)Driver 944 Wrote: On my 3 systems using MCE Remote Controls, the "Guide" button serves as "C", and during playback of a movie it serves as "O".

How did you program the guide button to throw the letter C to pull up the context menu?
I didn't reprogram or change anything. It has always worked that way from the day the systems were installed.
Crap... I can't get mine to work at all. It must come per-programmed to work with a particular remote? It is weird that they have direction for how to do it, yet they don't work. I wish there was more information on it somewhere. Seems like I can;t find anybody on any of the forums who knows much about it. Can I be the only person trying to set up a custom remote? lol

I can just stick with my Flirc as that does the job perfectly, but I hate having to spend an extra $25 each time I want a remote. I just want to use my TV remote.
I hope this will help you. It is part of a " /usr/share/lirc/remotes/mceusb " file.

begin remote

name vista_mce
bits 16
flags RC6
eps 30
aeps 100

header 2654 889
one 427 427
zero 427 427
pre_data_bits 21
pre_data 0x37FF0
gap 69850
toggle_bit_mask 0x8000
rc6_mask 0x100000000

begin codes
Power 0xEBF3
Pictures 0x6BB6
Radio 0xEBAF
Videos 0x6BB5
Music 0xEBB8
Rec 0x6BE8
Pause 0xEBE7
Stop 0x6BE6
Skipback 0xEBE4
Play 0x6BE9
Skipfwd 0xEBE5
Rwd 0x6BEA
Fwd 0xEBEB
Start 0x6BF2
Back 0xEBDC
More 0x6BF0
Volup 0xEBEF
Voldown 0x6BEE
Chup 0xEBED
Chdown 0x6BEC
Up 0xEBE1
Down 0x6BE0
Left 0xEBDF
Right 0x6BDE
Mute 0xEBF1
Rectv 0x6BB7
Guide 0xEBD9
Livetv 0x6BDA
Dvdmenu 0xEBDB
1 0x6BFE
2 0xEBFD
3 0x6BFC
4 0xEBFB
5 0x6BFA
6 0xEBF9
7 0x6BF8
8 0xEBF7
9 0x6BF6
* 0xEBE2
0 0x6BFF
# 0xEBE3
Clear 0x6BF5
Enter 0xEBF4
end codes

end remote

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Help setting up IR. Directions do not work.0