Using GUI causing periodic breaks in playback
Doing a new installation using OSMC for the first time on a Raspberry Pi 3 and encountered some strange behaviour.

When I use the GUI when any video is playing, I get short breaks in playback (~1.5s) that repeat every 6s or so.

After some testing, I figured out that this only occurs when I'm using Amber as my skin. It occurs even after I've reduced the background playback framerate to 5fps.

The CPU utilization never goes above 27%, so I don't see why this should be occurring. Any suggestions? I'd like to keep using Amber if possible....
Are you able to provide a debug log when using Amber and the same when using another skin e.g. Confluence as that may help. Does it only happen on OSMC, have you tried OpenELEC?
Have almost given up on Amber since I keep running into annoying little bugs that seem to occur only with that skin on this build (e.g. My skin customizations disappearing three times a day at random points), but I'll see if I can pull some debug logs later today after I've finished testing Metropolis (which seems slightly slower, but with the added benefit of no bugs, so far).

And I was originally planning on using OpenELEC, but the Pi came with NOOBS that suggested OSMC, so I started with that. I also liked the idea of having a full debian build underneath. Since the build I'm working on needs to be really stable, I might still try OpenELEC if I can't get OSMC to be stable enough.

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Using GUI causing periodic breaks in playback0