Filmon plugin doesn't play nice with others
If I use the plugin alone, it works great. However, I have other PVR addons. Tvheadend client and a stalker client. If I enable Filmon it don't load the channels anymore for it and the tvheadend won't load channels. Disabling stalker or tvheadend makes n change ... if filmon is enabled, it doesn't work well with others. I think it could be related to how long it takes for it to load channels. Is there a way I can decide what order the pvr addons are loaded?

I'm on kodi 16.0 running on Linux (OVMC BUILD).

Have/had issues of the samme sort, though I'm only using filmon and tvheadend.
Tvheadend has got a delay timer in the pvr addon, so that might help.
It did help me sort of for a while, but now I've disabled the delay and the two pvr's are working fine one aginst one another.

(Running OpenELEC x86 6.95.2).

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Filmon plugin doesn't play nice with others0