Project - new feature for KODI

I study software engineering and about to have a graduation project related to KODI.

I need your help by finding a new feature that you would like to have in Kodi, something that misses in Kodi or a repo that develops a new feature which I can join and contribute as a programmer.

My idea was a system that prevents Kodi users from watching commercials in LIVE TV broadcastings.
It means I have to identify a start of any advertising broadcast, show alternative content to the user(maybe move to another channel or show pre-chosen content by individual interests) while listening to the original channel, the final step is to identify the end of the advertising broadcast and return to the original channel.
The identification of a start/end of advertising broadcast can be done by audio distinctions, logo difference or maintaining a database which holds the "going in and out a commercials session cue"(that must exist by law) for every channel and check for it constantly.

Tell me what you think - is it too complicated, is it even possible to do, do I have to own a dvb-t antenna, do you think kodi developers would help me if I create a dedicated repo(github)...

I would be happy to hear new ideas and about projects or repos that you think I can get involved with.

One suggestion could be to first add local recording functionality to a PVR client addon like the HDHomeRun PVR native addon ( ) as suggested

Then seconly also add Comskip module for that same addon which can present Comskip formatted EDL (Edit Decision List) to Kodi which it should then by itself be able to skip automatically

Comskip itself is an free and open source project for commercial detector for mpeg streams, see:

Combining these features you could pause Live TV with the addon which then starts recording, run Comskip on the recorded stream and when unpause to playback you can skip commercials.
Look at MythTV, they already what you ask that very well.
MrMC Forums :
Let's say that now we are at 19:30 and the user ask to watch a show without commercials that starts at 20:00 and finishes at 21:00.
In my understanding, Comskip can generate a txt file showing [start frame], [end frame] of the commercial breaks. It will be very helpful if you know which of the options is correct:

Is it possible to use the txt file constantly while Comskip generates it in order to skip the commercials provided that the user start to watch the show with a delay of (say) 25% of the complete show(user start to watch at 20:15) --- 1st option
Comskip must get the whole video in order to make the complete txt file --- 2nd option
The 1st option means I can start watching with a delay and finish roughly with the original broadcast.
The 2nd option means I must wait until the end of the show(at 21:00) of the original broadcast and then watch without commercials which is just like record a TV show and forward the commercials manually.

Are you now asking other people to do your graduation project ? Smile
Thread moved to feature request anyway, no matter who may be doing it.
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Kodi Blog Posts
LOL absolutely not.

Just wanted to hear an opinion from experienced Kodi developers.

By the way I found a solution to what I brought up :
third-party add-ons such as DVRMSToolbox, Comskip and ShowAnalyzer to locate the commercial segments in the video files and save their locations in txt file. MEncoder or DVRMSToolboxGUI which can fed by the txt file and delete the commercial segments from the recorded video files. Or MCEBuddy that does it all - automate detection and removal of commercials.

So I decided to change my project to something even more intersting !
just make sure that whatever tool you use is cross platform.

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Project - new feature for KODI0