v16 Hardware keyboard input in text input windows

On my Raspberry Pi 3 I have installed Raspbian and Kodi 16.

When I start Kodi with the standard user (pi) I can use my hardware keyboard for navigation as well as for text inputs in text input fields (like youtube search).

With my other user (called kodi) I can only use the hardware keyboard for navigation. In text input fields I have to select the characters with the arrow keys.

How can this be changed? Is this a permission problem in Raspbian or did I mess an option in the Kodi settings?

Thank you in advance!
Yes, it is a permission issue, you have to apply this (the final part) for the kodi user:
Hi rascas and thank you for your help.

However, I am afraid this had the opposite effect: now also the user pi cannot use the keyboard in text fields. I tried to follow all the relevant steps. See here:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ groups
pi adm tty dialout cdrom sudo audio video plugdev games users input netdev gpio i2c spi
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo groups kodi
kodi : kodi tty dialout cdrom audio dip video plugdev users input
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cat /etc/udev/rules.d/99-input.rules
SUBSYSTEM==input, GROUP=input, MODE=0660
KERNEL==tty[0-9]*, GROUP=tty, MODE=0660
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cat /etc/udev/rules.d/10-permissions.rules
# input
KERNEL=="mouse*|mice|event*",   MODE="0660", GROUP="input"
KERNEL=="ts[0-9]*|uinput",     MODE="0660", GROUP="input"
KERNEL==js[0-9]*,             MODE=0660, GROUP=input
# tty
KERNEL==tty[0-9]*,            MODE=0666
# vchiq
SUBSYSTEM==vchiq,  GROUP=video, MODE=0660

Did I miss something?
Seems fine. Here is mine which is working:

pi@pipplware:~ $ groups pi
pi : pi adm tty lp dialout cdrom sudo audio video plugdev games users input netdev spi i2c gpio

Double check. If it worked with user pi before, you probably have change something related to that user.
It can be something else, but I am not remembering something else related.
... at least I can confirm that it is a permission problem: starting kodi with "sudo kodi" still has the keyboard enabled.

Another thing I noticed is that, since I made the changes, the shutdown menu of kodi just has the option to quit kodi. Before my changes I could also choose "power off" and other things...

It might be a bit difficult to find out what I did wrong, but obviously there is something. Actually: what is the tty thing about? Can this be related to my problem or will it be more in the "input part"?
It seems I got it working. I think all I changed was adding quotes to all of the udev rules (where they were missing).

Thank you!
Can you elaborate what you did please?

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