Win .strm local library
So I haven't posted much but I have been all through the forums, sorry if I missed this. I am using windows 10 kodi 16 running in compatability mode as windows 7. Now the back story on what I have done.

I have The big bang theory blurays ripped to bluray folder structure BMDV folder etc. I then made .strm files in my TV show folder and got everything working in the kodi library all Metadata is there and can be seen as it show no issues and the videos playback as well.

My question is why is it that when playing the .strm the video info gets lost. Only while play if u press enter or I for info it only shows the stream name which in my case is for example 00040.m2ts rather then showing the info in the .nfo for the .strm file name example The Big Bang Theory S01E01 - Pilot which is how the Metadata was found.?

If anyone know how I can fix this or if it is a work around I am fine with that I am not afraid edit or write a file or script etc as long as I have some sorta guide or example to go by.

Thanks for and advice you may have.
Frankly file management is easier with individual files. Makemkv is your friend.
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I have used make mkv in the past but this being a back up of a Blu-ray TV show it is more about saving space and time. Also adding the .strm to the libaray was not a issue I have all the metadata and for the season and episodes everything in the library is fine .nfo file created works. my issue is more me being picky but once I select the episode it doesn't hand off the metadata to the player. the only thing the player is showing is the finial file name.

I just wanted to know if anyone figured out how to get the metadata from the library to show when I press info as it would if I have used a mkv . Sorry if I didn't explain my self correctly.
No I understand the problem. I don't know the answer though sorry.
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Thanks for Reading this though

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