HDMI cable or HDMI over Cat6 or HDMI Wireless?
I'm thinking about running all of my A/V equipment from a closet that is in the hallway.

I have measured that the HDMI cable length will need to be about 50 feet if not a little bit more to ensure I don't go mad trying to plug it in.

I estimate It will take the HDMI 8' up the wall from the closet and running it directly across the attic to the adjacent room and down about 5'

A/V consist of:

Pioneer Elite (mid-grade) Receiver with 5 HDMI inputs. I will be taking the output of the HDMI and running it to my TV.
Xbox One with USB 3.0 Extensions for Kinnect.
HTPC Kodi Machine - GTX 760 Graphics card
ATT Uverse Cable Box
Apple TV
5 Speaker cables (not sure what size yet)

HDMI over Cat6e can only do 1 GHZ, while HDMI can handle 19 GHZ. So, I assume I'm going to be compressing video signal (boo!)
HDMI over Cat6e also has IR repeater builtin. I wouldn't need to worry about buying an extra IR repeater. Can I do HDMI CEC at this range?
HDMI directly connected is 55 feet I would assume. It might have signal loss. HDMI won't be the standard for too much longer. I can't duplicate the HDMI as easily as I could with Cat6.

HDMI Wireless can go up to 100 feet. But with the addition of adding power cables. (Boo!). It also adds latency, not sure how this would feel while playing games! Also given Xbox One controller lag on top. HDMI wireless maybe the easiest solution, but I still have to run speaker cable, so it's not that much of a pro.

Some other thoughts:
Xbox One wireless controllers can go up to 19' - Which I have tested and from the closet can access the Xbox One with no controller disconnects (on Full battery)

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HDMI cable or HDMI over Cat6 or HDMI Wireless?0