How to add extra zoom options for different aspect ratios?
How to add extra zoom options for different aspect ratios to Kodi?

Can someone point me to the commits and code on Github?
Unfortunately Github doesn't have a commit search function like other git sites, which makes it difficult.

If I can get the commits/code for the ' Display 4:3 videos as' I can try to add my own for others like
16:9, 21:9 etc.


Then there can be different options to choose for different aspect ratios, not just for 4:3 almost like they did here.
I know how to add the menu items with spin controls but not the code to make it function.


There are now lots of aspect ratios to consider eg. several IPTV providers use non standard aspect ratios, ultra 4k widescreen tv's, vga resolutions for PC that can benefit by using seperate changable aspect ratios instead of a global one for all videos.

Are there any plans for Kodi to expand the 'Display 4:3 videos as' to other aspect ratios also, so users have options for different setups perhaps?

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