Anyway to Change Music Video Naming Conventions?
I prefer my music videos (and MP3s) named 'song title - artist.ext' - it's easier for me to find music that way. I assume that Kodi uses the ID3/4 tag data for MP3s, since they scan just fine the way I have them named. Is there any way that I can force Kodi to accept music videos named the reverse of what it expects - artist-title - instead? I really do not want to rename close to 1000 files just because of a picky program. Thanks.
OK... so in case anyone else has this problem... I did find this scraper - - IMVDB Music Video Scraper. It doesn't seem to be perfect - it mis-labeled some songs - but I can live with it. I may have to manually fix a few or rename a few, but it's better than renaming close to 1000 and screwing up a filing system that works fine for me... Thanks anyway y'all.

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Anyway to Change Music Video Naming Conventions?0