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Is it possible to add a get info for all videos in the menu? Let XBMC automatically detect if its a tv show or movies and get all of its ingormation using the proper scraper.
while at the same time cooking your lunch, doing your laundry and solving world hunger.

software isnt a human, software doesnt think. how the eff would it know if its a movie a tvshow your homemade pr0n or whatnot?? it cannot. you need to say what your paths contains.
I'm pretty sure that feature already exists. Just click the white button (title on remote) anywhere in library mode and choose "Update Library". It finds all the new TV Shows and Movies and adds them.
yes assuming you have setup your paths as i said..
spiff Wrote:yes assuming you have setup your paths as i said..

Yeah, I missed your post before I replied. I didn't realize he didn't even want to have to set the scraper. Smile
Maybe it's already possible via ingormation?
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ok sorry dumb question
spiff Wrote:how the eff would it know if its a movie a tvshow your homemade pr0n or whatnot?? it cannot. you need to say what your paths contains.

Well I think there are at least two options to try to identify the files: if there is a nfo file with the same name that contains an IMDB link, you have it. Also, if there is no such file but you calculate the hash of the .avi and consulting the O.S. web database results that it is an identified file, it gives you the IMDB link and again it is enough, isn't it? in both cases it is uniquely identified, much better than the usual scrapers that are inaccurate by nature (many titles do not link to a unique movie). It works as well for tv series as for movies (for tv series even better, since most new scene releases are included in the o.s. database few days or even hours after they are made public)

Just my 0.2c Smile
spiff Wrote:while at the same time cooking your lunch, doing your laundry and solving world hunger.

software isnt a human, software doesnt think. how the eff would it know if its a movie a tvshow your homemade pr0n or whatnot??

Perhaps if there were some sort of massive databases containing lists of almost every commercial movie/tv show that were easily accessible and which had usable well documented API's?


These things exist! Who'd have thought it!? But surely they're hard to use and break if a video can't be found?


XBMC already has a ton of code that already uses them, and can deal with things not in those databases!

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