Kodibuntu no HDMI audio
Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide. I have been using Kodi for the last few years on a Lenovo Q150 and have loved the interface. The hard drive crashed yesterday and I installed a new hard drive and decided to give kodibuntu a try since I only use this computer for movies. Everything installed fine and then I did the upgrades. I can get movies to play but I have no audio coming out of the HDMI. I've been searching through the forums all morning and tried changing the settings, pass through, etc and I can't get this to work. I can get audio out of the analog speaker port if I switch to that setting. Here is my log: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23300105/

Any help would be appreciated.
If that thing is only for movies and you don't need any additional software beside it, give LibreELEC a try:

Thanks. After playing with this for a while I think it has to do with the fact that this mini pc I am using has a NVidia ion one video/audio card and that is not well supported anymore. I'll put together a different system.

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