Kodi has black screen when waking PC up from sleep
Hoping someone can help me here.

I got a used Zotac ZBOX to use as a HTPC and installed Windows 7 32-bit Home Premium, then installed the latest stable build of Kodi.

Everything is perfect except when I put the PC to sleep while in Kodi and I go to wake it back up its just a black screen, but I can hear the remote clicks when scrolling over just no picture, but if I exit Kodi by pushing the Windows Media Center button on the remote I have a picture again, so its only doing it if I put the PC to sleep with the Kodi program running.

This is a huge problem as I don't want to have to grab a mouse to start up Kodi everytime I want to run it, I just want to be able to wake the PC up and already be in Kodi ready to go.

I did try installing OpenELEC to a USB flash drive but it ran extremely slow and would freeze, I'm assuming it had something to do with USB 2.0 speeds because it zooms on Windows running on the main hard drive.

Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
This has been my biggest issue when I upgraded to either Kodi 16 or 17. Went back to 15.2 and everything's fine again. Wish the developers would address this issue.

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Kodi has black screen when waking PC up from sleep0