LibreELEC - system.d mount cifs share with spaces in name
Can anyone please share a .mount file that works for them with a Windows share that has spaces in its name ? I have made a working one for \\\TV but can't get \\\TV 2 to work.

I have tried single/double quotes, escaping the spaces with \ or \040 and can't get it to work. Please someone share their entire file so I can see if I'm doing something stupid.
Workaround: under the sharing folder settings on Windows in advanced you can add another name for the folder to be shared as. Still interested in the solution though.
Remove the space?
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Where did you put the quotes? Around the whole lot ( "\\10.0.0100\TV 2" ) or just around the folder with the space ( \\"\TV 2" ) ?

And for the \040 and \ , what exact settings did you use ( for example //\0402 or //\ 2 )?

In most cases what @nickr suggests is best, simply rename the folder to TV_2 or TV2 and use that for all such shares and links to it.
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