v17 Possible to show CPU/GPU Temp, Fan Speed etc on Main Interface?

I was just wondering if it's possible to show system information, most importantly, temperatures for CPU & GPU, possibly CPU Fan Speed on the main KODI Interface, or perhaps from a Menu Item?

Most of these readings are buried in settings>systen info but some skins put them in a homepage submenu, with a bit of effort you could mark the page of choice as a favourite and link that with a custom home page button. Most of the front end, showing temps, ram, speed etc are part of the skin and with a lot of effort you could put these on any page. Check my sig for skins, features of skins and compatibility, only for the brave. HOW-TO:Edit the home screen skin files (wiki) and Skin development introduction (wiki) Keep tidy back-ups.
Have you tried the Speedfan add-on? You'd have to install Speedfan first, though.

Do you mean something like this?
(2016-12-20, 14:26)_Andy_ Wrote: Do you mean something like this?

YES!!! That is EXACTLY what I mean!! How did you do this? Can you explain? THANKS!!
What OS and what skin do you use/prefer? I have tested this on Windows and Aeon Madnox.
(2016-12-20, 21:19)_Andy_ Wrote: What OS and what skin do you use/prefer? I have tested this on Windows and Aeon Madnox.

Windows 10 Pro x64 / Aeon Nox 5 / Kodi v17 Beta 6.

First you need to install the openhardwaremonitor.org. It's freeware. Enable the webserver in openhardwaremonitor at port 9900. Install and enable my service script- from https://github.com/Snecx/service.skinhelper.IP
In the service script is an executable. Run it and click at the button. In the first column you see a number and in the second the corresponding value from the hardwaremonitor.
Write down the values (first column) you like to see in Kodi.

open the default.py from the service script and look into the code. The stuff begins at line 57. Fill in your values. I guess you can see how it works. If you like you can enhance the script with more values.
The service script was just for me and so no fancy gui. You need to fill the values in the code itself.

If you start the service now the values will be updated every 5 seconds. You can lower or increase the time in line 48 (==10 means 5seconds)

Now the heavy part. As you use Nox 5 the skin is not modified to show the values. You need to find a solution to show the variables populated from the service to show where you like.
To show the wan ip the variable is $INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelperIP.wanip)

It's not very easy if you don't have a clue how to edit a skin. I can look into the skin code. Maybe it's easy as is like in Madnox.
(2016-12-20, 21:54)_Andy_ Wrote: First you need to install the openhardwaremonitor.org. It's freeware. Enable the webserver in openhardwaremonitor at port 9900. Install and enable my service script- from https://github.com/Snecx/service.skinhelper.IP
In the service script is an executable. Run it and click at the button. In the first column you see a number and in the second the corresponding value from the hardwaremonitor.
Write down the values (first column) you like to see in Kodi.

open the default.py from the service script and look into the code. The stuff begins at line 57. Fill in your values. I guess you can see how it works. If you like you can enhance the script with more values.
The service script was just for me and so no fancy gui. You need to fill the values in the code itself.

If you start the service now the values will be updated every 5 seconds. You can lower or increase the time in line 48 (==10 means 5seconds)

Now the heavy part. As you use Nox 5 the skin is not modified to show the values. You need to find a solution to show the variables populated from the service to show where you like.
To show the wan ip the variable is $INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelperIP.wanip)

It's not very easy if you don't have a clue how to edit a skin. I can look into the skin code. Maybe it's easy as is like in Madnox.


Thanks so much for the detailed description & steps. I'll begin one by one with the streamlined steps. Once I reach the skin, let me take a crack at it and see if I can figure it out. I'm assuming this going to be both time-intensive and difficult, but I don't believe it should be impossible.

If I absolutely fail to edit the skin, I'll touch base and see if you can help out. But I'll definitely give it a crack first.

Thanks again!
I figured it out. It's not as easy as in Madnox but easy enough.
You need to edit 2 files. Go to you Nox 5 install directory and open variables.xml and custom_1125_InfoLineCustomizer.xml

after line 130 insert

<value condition="String.IsEqual(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(InfoLine),12)">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelperIP.wanip)][COLOR $INFO[Skin.String(HomeMenuColor3)]] • CPU:[/COLOR]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelperIP.cputemp)]/$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelperIP.cpulast)][COLOR $INFO[Skin.String(HomeMenuColor3)]] • GPU:[/COLOR]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelperIP.gputemp)]/$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelperIP.gpulast)]/$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelperIP.gpulastengine)]</value>

after line 467

<value condition="String.IsEqual(Container(90000).ListItem.Property(InfoLine),12)">IP / CPU / GPU Stats</value>

after line 151

    <label>IP / CPU / GPU Stats</label>

Restart Kodi. Now you can customize the infoline of your Menu items. Choose as infoline 'IP / GPU / CPU Stats'
If you need further help please just ask.
(2016-12-20, 22:23)_Andy_ Wrote: I figured it out. It's not as easy as in Madnox but easy enough.
You need to edit 2 files. Go to you Nox 5 install directory and open variables.xml and custom_1125_InfoLineCustomizer.xml

after line 130 insert

<value condition="String.IsEqual(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(InfoLine),12)">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelperIP.wanip)][COLOR $INFO[Skin.String(HomeMenuColor3)]] • CPU:[/COLOR]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelperIP.cputemp)]/$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelperIP.cpulast)][COLOR $INFO[Skin.String(HomeMenuColor3)]] • GPU:[/COLOR]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelperIP.gputemp)]/$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelperIP.gpulast)]/$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelperIP.gpulastengine)]</value>

after line 467

<value condition="String.IsEqual(Container(90000).ListItem.Property(InfoLine),12)">IP / CPU / GPU Stats</value>

after line 151

    <label>IP / CPU / GPU Stats</label>

Restart Kodi. Now you can customize the infoline of your Menu items. Choose as infoline 'IP / GPU / CPU Stats'
If you need further help please just ask.

THANK YOU So very much!! Sorry I couldn't respond earlier. Been extremely tied up at work with the holiday weekend coming in. As soon as I get a chance, I'll implement the above solution and test things out. Will definitely report back. Thanks again.
Hi _Andy_ !

Could You adopt this service to run on Python 3 ( Matrix and newer ) ?
I tried with python2to3 but there are errors starting after conversion.

I am trying to display some temperatures on my home screen on Kodi 19.4 from windows using Open Hardware Monitor with the skin mimic.lr ...

Kind regards : Zoltan.
I was curious about this.  I don't know if _Andy_ is still active after all this time, but I see the addon is still on github so I forked it and re-worked it a bit.  You can get it at my scott967 github for service.skinhelper.IP.  Checkout the service.skinhelper.IP-1.0.1+matrix.1 branch.  I did add a setting to change the update interval in kodi.

scott s.
Perhaps also start a new thread, as this one is mainly for pre-matrix/pre-python3..?
Thank You Scott! I will start a new thread, still need some help with implementing it!

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Possible to show CPU/GPU Temp, Fan Speed etc on Main Interface?2