change DNS

Does anyone know how to change the DNS settings in Kodi?

I need to use Overplay's DNS and I don't want to change the settings in my router.

I thought of modifying resolv.conf, however the comment in the file that it's set by Network Manager appears to be the case, because it gets reset on boot.

Any help much appreciated

That is an os feature not kodi so what os are you using. if you are using libreelec you can change the DNS settings using their add-on.
Thanks, I've now figured out how to do it ...
And the answer is?? My Network Manager is setup correctly but something in Kodi is not transferring correctly. DNS in Kodi shows
And what is set up OS wise as the DNS?
I would change any DNS settings in my router, it's easier. Currently, they have been changed via my Pi-Hole setup, but that's another matter.

Any reason for you to change the DNS settings in only your Kodi device?
PS: Kodi is only an application, so it uses the DNS settings from the underlying operating system AFAIK.

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