Req Add activate/dissable PVR like in Kodi16

Due to some disconnects it would be helpful to have the option to activate/deactivate TV/PVR again like it was till Kodi 17.


To my knowledge you can still do that.
Disable or enable addons in the addon section (i.e. My addons). When clicking an addon you can amongst other things, disable or enable
Yeah.. but it was nicer having this in Settings TV/pvr like clear pvr database etc.
It is generally considered to be less confusing this way.
Now, you can activate liveTV in a single section were it can be enabled.
In previous versions, you had to go to two different spots in the gui to activate this component.

So there's a little give&take there.
I see this as progress. Lets face it: how many times do uou have to enable/disable.
In most cases, the answer is once.
That's the problem...
TVHeadend also vdr sometimes loosing connection or if you add/remove channels you have to dissable it, clear tv channels database and reenable it. So this was all in one window which was good.
But, ok...
Why always changing things which were good for years...I don' get it

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Add activate/dissable PVR like in Kodi160