how to install 17.1
ok this may sound dumb but i have been trying to install 17.1 for a week and i go to download at the top right corner of the page and nothing happens. so i go down a bit to the spot that says windows etc and i pick andrion because i have a kodi box, i scroll down to the selections and i pick android for my kodi box i then get directed to google app store and it show 17.0. so do i hve to uninstall that app then try reinstalling it? i have a backup so i can restore back to what i will loose. thanks
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(2017-04-05, 22:26)corvairbob Wrote: ] i pick andrion because i have a kodi box

If you bought a box that came pre-loaded with Kodi, you should remove the piracy filled version on your box and install a clean version. That is just a personal recommendation.

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how to install 17.10