Bug Crashes and generally wrong behavior with assigned workspace in i3
I discovered a but in the interaction between i3 and Kodi. If there is an assigned workspace for Kodi, the application is started in windowed mode on the "wrong" workspace and then toggled to fullscreen (with \, not with the WM's state), it crashes with the output below. This also happens if it is autostarted from the i3 config.

The background for this is that I want to have Kodi running on its own workspace at all times, starting with the system. In order to do so, because i3 apparently doesn't deal well with some natively fullscreen windows, I've set the mode to "windowed" in Kodi and added "for_window [class="Kodi"] fullscreen enable" and "assign [class="Kodi"] Kodi" in the i3 config. The i3 part of this seems to work - the Kodi workspace opens and closes again after the crash. Other applications have no problems with this, so it must have something to do with Kodi. If I start the application manually in windowed mode, it works on any workspace; why it is different for autostart, I don't know, maybe because it's in the background.

Furthermore, if I play around with this for a while, the application sometimes freezes, displays a small black box in the middle of the screen and needs to be killed from a VT because it locks up the entire desktop. I have not been able to find out what causes this, exactly, so just treat this as potentially helpful additional information instead of a part of the bug report.

It's not dependent on the skin, and I have no custom addons installed save for the logfile uploader (which, by the way, isn't very helpful for a crash and might need an additional dialog to upload the .old logfile).

Debug Log: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24446838/

Crash Log: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24446841/

Linux version: Debian Sid updated ca. 1 week ago, Linux 4.9.0-2-amd64

Kodi version: 2:17.1+dfsg1-2

Hardware: Core i5-3450, GTX 750 Ti with proprietary drivers 378.13, Intel C210/216 Chipsets

Install method: apt

Please ask for further information if necessary.
Update: There appear to be two methods to toggle fullscreen, via a setting in System -> Display and one via hitting the \ key. At least the autostart issue seems to be fixed by making sure System -> Display showed "Windowed" for both mode and resolution.
Update was wrong: This appears to only fix the autostart issue about half of the time. Circumstances unknown.

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Crashes and generally wrong behavior with assigned workspace in i30