Win Delete file on disk while keep record in TMM
Once I delete the movies on disk and update the database, they will be deleted from TMM also. Since I wannna make TMM be like Calibre: personal movie & TV show manager, all watched, watching and want to watch. I want to delete video files on disk while keep records in TMM.

How can I get there?

Thanks a lot Big Grin
When you delete the video file, replace it with a zero-byte file with the same filename. Then TMM will keep it in the db only with some info missing like resolution and duration.
or use the "offline" video feature -
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Thank you all!

Creating a zero-byte file works!

I hope the offline feature can be applied to TV shows, but it seems that you can only add new offline movies, can't add offline TV shows.

Creating a disc file also works. However, if "remove from disk, but keep it in database" could be a function directly clicked in the app, that will be great!

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Delete file on disk while keep record in TMM0