Help with outdated box
Long story short I bought an android box from a guy that’s a crook. I’ve had the box 2 years and have only received one system update bring it to 4.4.2 when I’ve contacted the seller regarding an update to something new enough to run Kodi  Krypton I’m told that the new Kodi 17 is simply just a new look it is the same as 16.1 I know this is false. Ive been looking into trying to force an update somehow and finding out i need to flash my system with a similar systems firmware to get any kind of an update. I just don’t know what I should look for, I’m reaching out in hopes that the community may be able to refer me to a firmware that might work with my system and how to go about this. Please and thank you to anyone that can help.

Our forum does not support direct local graphics files from your computer. You can best upload them to or , and paste the URL afterwards.

Also, no need for such a big font in your post. We're not the braille club yet, so I removed the font size.

We will also need some more details than just "an Android box".
Most android "boxes" came from China. They make so many new models every month that they couldn't care less about updating all trillion models they make a year... so, there's no ay to update it. even if it as a branded box, you're likely to receive 1-2 updates and that's it....
Unfortunately, this is not a general Android forum and we can not help you with firmware updates for some unknown box.

Your best bet for that is to check somewhere like XDA or freaktab to see if there's a firmware you can flash to your box. But since your box is older and mostly likely a AML SoC device, you'd be better off just installing LibreELEC.

Other than that, the only thing we can recommend is to get a new box, one well supported and recommended in the Hardwaresub-forum.
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My apologies 

This will give you a really nice Kodi Krypton setup:

LibreELEC Kodi for AML S802/S812 boxes (click)

All support for installation issues and problems is to be done in that LibreELEC thread and forum.

If you follow wrxtasy’s advice you are going to like it. A lot.
Great i appreciate the help!

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