Questions about x86 4K hardware, supported OS and limitations
I am curious if there is any x86 hardware out there that I can install any Linux OS on with Kodi to get a solid experience with HDR 4K, Dolby atoms and Dolby vision (not sure if Kodi supports either) with auto refresh rate and had audio pass through/but streaming, etc.

I wanted to try steam OS with Kodi on a Linux district, mint or ubuntu or any recommended base OS that gives the best result. The reason I don’t want LE, is because I want steam Installed as well and I don’t know if I can install steam on LE.

My 2 cents...

For Kodi, HDR is still a work-in-progress for Leia.
Nvidia GPU drivers do not support 10-bit video in Linux, so that leaves Intel and AMD.
Intel's Windows drivers should support HDR by now, for Linux baby steps are made afaik.
AMD driver support has been crap for a long time, but things are starting to pick up slowly.

LibreELEC has Docker support. Can Steam OS be used via Docker? I don't know.
Thanks, Klojum.

It’s amazing we are taking baby steps with Linux and intel for HDR and yet amlogic and LE is already there. I am thinking I should perhaps keep the two separate then. Give up on steam and PC gaming and just get a PS 4 or Xbox oneX to do gaming and other streaming services and use a cheap amlogic box and flash it with LE for Kodi. I am happy with nvidia shield for one room but needed a more solid trouble free solution for the other room.

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Questions about x86 4K hardware, supported OS and limitations0