Raspberry P2 - Windows 10 - SMB Share Invalid Arguments
I have a windows pi 2 running kodi. I am trying to connect a share to a windows 10 location using smb.

I had this working previously but suddenly I get "Invalid argument" when I try to access the shares.

When I use the SMB option in Kodi:
1. I can see the workgroup
2. I can see my pc within the group
3. I can see the share folders on the PC.
However, if I select any of the folders, I get "Invalid arguments" and only the option to cancel.

Looked online without success.

There were a number of changes to Kodi's Samba client not that long ago. This is from memory. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong. Anonymous access has been removed. You now need to connect to your pc using the logon credentials of an account on your pc. When creating a new source in Kodi, you can no longer browse to a share. You need to enter the full path of the share. Samba Level 1 access has been removed in Windows 10. Maximum access level needs to be 2 or 3 in Kodi.
Your Windows 7/8/10 machine will have had updates recently, also in the SMB department. "Thanks" to the WannaCry virus attack/outbreak last year, Microsoft finally made SMBv2 its default, and stepping away from SMBv1's unauthenticated access. SMBv2 also does not support browsing, so you will need to directly "Add network locations" and putting in user credentials.

In LibreELEC's Kodi on a RPi you can still enable SMBv1 support, but only as a last resort. Unless you want to keep your network vulnerable, upgrade all your devices to SMBv2+. Or use a different, better file protocol.

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Raspberry P2 - Windows 10 - SMB Share Invalid Arguments0