v17 BluRayDisc.iso is not playing. ERROR?
Hello guys,

I tried to play "Inferno BluRayDisc -WARN-.iso" but it is not working. When I click nothing happens. I have no idea whats wrong, because when I play it with Laptop, VLC-Player there are no issues. I play alot BluRayDiscs and usually have no problems playing them. Just 2 BluRayDiscs do not work with KODI.

Can someone tell me what the log file say, why Inferno is not playing? 

DXVA::CProcessorHD::IsFormatSupported: Unsupported format 104 for 1

Seems to be failing after it sniffs the .iso, There's been quite a lot of work in this area. Might be worth a try with one of the nightlies, use portable mode, not to compromise your present set-up. As a side note Kodi only plays unprotected discs and your .iso may not be a proper dvd.iso look inside the archive for /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO

https://kodi.wiki/view/Features_and_supported_formats and https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=316378
(2018-03-14, 02:51)PatK Wrote: your .iso may not be a proper dvd.iso look inside the archive for /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO
Hey PatK, thank you for your quick answer. Just wanted to check for VIDEO_TS.IFO but the BluRayDisc.iso has no such folder or file. And when I check other of my BluRayDisc.iso same thing. I think you mix DVDR.iso and BluRayDisc.iso? It would be perfect if you can tell me how I am able to check if the Disc is unprotected or not. I wonder why KODI is not even able to mount it and play the m2ts file in STREAM folder.    

When I browse into the disc it looks like this:


Ah Yes, most disks these days have digital rights management 'DRM' and would have to be dealt with prior, and if you're going into software encoding, might as well make the archiver Kodi friendly.

I am a little confused about your images and what the log is reporting.

Your image shows you inside j:/inferno which I assume is your rom drive.

Your log shows kodi trying to access [X:\Inferno BluRayDisc -WARN-.iso] Which seems to be a completely different drive, folder and format.

You need to compare apples with apples.
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BluRayDisc.iso is not playing. ERROR?0