AdvancedSettings.XML in Kodi 18 Beta
Due to some jitter issues, discussed in another thread, I started making adjustments to the cache settings and that just made things worse. Even putting the settings back and exiting Kodi and clearing the program cache didn't bring it back to where I started. As a matter of fact, no change to the cache settings in the XML file seems to do anything at all. And the only way to get back to the original micro-jitter issue is to clear all the Kodi data.

My question is this. Does Kodi 18 even use these settings anymore? And if so, what are the optimum settings using a Fire TV Cube with 200mb connection. I know about the memory size formula. avail mem/3 * 1024 * 1024.

Now on that note, I have the same issue and question with the settings>player>video settings. Any change to the processing settings starts stuttering and audio sync issues. But once I change any setting, I have to clear all the Kodi data to get back to where I started. So, either Kodi doesn't apply the change, or the change isn't applied correctly.

I have a suspicion that the new smooth picture feature in the Kodi nightly releases is affecting these things.
(2018-09-24, 18:44)dcol Wrote: Does Kodi 18 even use these settings anymore?
No idea. It might be a wise idea to post what settings you are using. Maybe show us your complete advancedsettings.xml file, preferable in the attached Debug Log.

How exactly do you "clear the program cache"?
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What my goal is now is to use an external player, which I have done using the playercorefactory.xml and eliminated the 'jitters'. Problem I have now is everything plays fine except PVR Live TV.
I am not sure how to set the playercorefactory.xml to use the default player for the PVR LiveTV stream. I tried using the following rules below and it did not work. Everything still uses the default player.

<player name="VLC" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
  <rule filetypes="mkv" filename=".*720.*|.*1080.*" player="VLC"/>
  <rule filetypes="mp4" filename=".*720.*|.*1080.*" player="VLC"/>
  <rule filetypes="ts" filename=".*720.*|.*1080.*" player="VLC"/>

Any suggestions?
Our goal is to let everything play fine without external player
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That would be fine in a perfect world, but not all formats play nicely with the built in player. TS files have jitter/stutter whereas plays flawless in VLC
Is there a way to do it or not?
(2018-09-25, 23:42)dcol Wrote: Is there a way to do it or not?
You don't seem to be a very patient person... Kodi is still in Beta, wrinkles need to be ironed out.

Since when is a URL the same thing as a filename?
(2018-09-26, 01:02)Klojum Wrote:
(2018-09-25, 23:42)dcol Wrote: Is there a way to do it or not?
You don't seem to be a very patient person... Kodi is still in Beta, wrinkles need to be ironed out.

Since when is a URL the same thing as a filename?

That is the filename to use if you use Android.

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AdvancedSettings.XML in Kodi 18 Beta0