connection timeout to nas server, but ping nas works
I get a connection timeout or no route to host error if I try to access my files that are stored on my Qnap NAS.
Same if I try to edit my sources in Library settings. 

I tried to ping the server via ssh. No problems.

Could be a smb problem. 

ERROR: SMBDirectory->GetDirectory: Unable to open directory : 'smb://USERNAMETongueASSWORD@nas/Media'
unix_err:'6e' error : 'Connection timed out'

If I add a new share and use the IP address instead, I get the credentials dialog box and that works
Also other shares on Windows computers are doing ok.
The nas is reachable from other computers as well.
Only the Kodi - nas connection is broken, and only if I use the symbolic name.

anx ideas?
I would wonder if your NAS is serving up via SMB1, and by using the name you're Pi is trying to but is not configured to do so. But by using the IP address it's defaulting to SMB2 which will work.

What OS/distro are you running on the Pi? LibreElec for example by default uses only SMB2 and SMB3, with SMB1 disabled by default. It is possible to enable it (in the LibreElec configuration add-on) but there are security risks involved (web-search for "Wannacry" for more details about the issues with SMB1).
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the nas is set to minimum smb2, maximun smb3.
the libreelec I suppose has only settings for its own samba server. So it wouldn't affect the request kodi -> nas. Anyway it is set to smb2 as you said.
No I think the LE setting is for client as well as server, but if your NAS is SMB2/3 then that isn't the issue as that's the default for LE as well.
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ping to nas check
smb to ip check
smb to nas fail

where can I start?
It sounds like there's maybe a DNS issue or something, resolving the NAS name to its IP address doesn't look to be working? Have a look in the network data section of the device information (in the settings menu) or I think it's also listed in the network tab of the LE config add-on.

Start there and validate that the information contained in it is correct for your network set-up.

This one might also be better raised on the libreelec forums -
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but if I ping nas from ssh it resolves the ip...

I think I'd raise this on the libreelec forum ( as it's not I think specifically a Kodi issue, but something in the "just enough" OS bit underneath it.
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(2018-12-16, 20:01)_novalis Wrote: where can I start?
You can force LibreELEC into SMBv1 mode via the LibreELEC Settings Add-on, but that is not the recommended/safe solution.
However, should your connect problems go away this way, then you know where to look for in your NAS.
Already tried at libreelec forum. No responding there...

forcing Libreelec to smb1 doesn't change anything, except I can't reach kodi via smb from windows anymore...
On the off-chance that it shows something, can you upload a debug log (wiki) with the SMB component logging enabled (turn it on in the settings menu, just below where you enable debug logging) and see if that shows anything?

You're getting a bit beyond my knowledge to support things, but it's worth a try and maybe someone with deeper knowledge may be able to see. But as I said it's not really in Kodi itself but rather than underlying OS bit, hence why I suggested the LE forums.
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If it's a Samba name resolution issue then that's likely to depend on which host is the master browser - if your current master browser is broken then that may explain the inability to connect using hostname. Samba holds an election to determine the master browser, and your master browser will change depending on the order in which you booted your devices - generally, the latest OS version should win the election, but LibreELEC doesn't impose itself on your network by default so may lose out to other versions of Samba or Windows (see note, below). Try powering off all the SMB devices in your network then power them on starting with LibreELEC first - that way LibreELEC may become the master browser (which is known to be working) - then your NAS.

Other than that, the recommendation is to always use IP address for SMB anyway.

Note: if you want one of your LibreELEC clients to always be the master browser then configure the LibreELEC Samba server by copying /storage/.config/samba.conf.sample to /storage/.config/samba.conf then editing the new file and changing:
# os level = 20
os level = 34
and rebooting. Your LibreELEC client should now always win any master browser election.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
Thanks Milhouse I am on it.
A few things I discovered so far that supports in a way what you describe:

The whole thing works fine if I restart the NAS. Then after a while/minutes the shares become unavailable again with the described error message: timeout.

A seconde Libreelec has the same issues.

Windows Kodi behaves brave and has no issues.
Changing os level = 34 did not do the trick.

But I cannot shut down all windows computers in the network at the moment.

How about those settinings in samba.conf which are inactive:
local master = yes
  preferred master = auto
  domain master = auto
(2018-12-16, 23:19)_novalis Wrote: Changing os level = 34 did not do the trick.

But I cannot shut down all windows computers in the network at the moment.

How about those settinings in samba.conf which are inactive:
local master = yes
  preferred master = auto
  domain master = auto

The following settings configure the LibreELEC Samba Server so that it does not participate in the master browser elections:

local master = no
preferred master = no
domain master = no
os level = 0

However if you have no need for the LibreELEC Samba Server then the simple option is to just disable the Samba Server on all your LibreELEC clients (Settings > LibreELEC > Services > Samba > Enable Samba = OFF) which should mean that your NAS has a greater chance of remaining as the master browser (although it's entirely possible you may have other devices running Samba or SMB that may try and gatecrash the master browser party).
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connection timeout to nas server, but ping nas works0