Solved Kodi crashes when playing some files

I am having problems with Kodi 17.6:
When I try to play some files it just crashes although most of them play just fine. The file I tested in order to get the log works in VLC without issues.
Because the log was too long for I remove all lines having to do with file scanning (folders being skipped because they haven't changed for example) as I don't think they will be relevant here.
If you need the crashdump I can also add it but there is not much info there (Exception Code 0xC0000005) and hopefully, the log file will be enough.
You can find it under iqerajitov.kodi (paste)

I hope someone can help me
I suspect this "The database disk image is malformed" which would account for most of your troubles. Suggestion: The is an opportunity to update to Kodi Leia /64 (portable mode) and see if the database becomes salvageable, Databases (wiki). I should note, better to toggle library updates off instead of editing when submitting a log. If Kodi is stuck in some sort of update, it can cause issues.

As far as I can tell, Kodi 18rc5x64 handles the files that previously lead to crashes effortlessly.
So just updating did the trick.
Thread marked solved.

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Kodi crashes when playing some files0