No pictire/audio on Enigma2 stb OpeanATV v6.3 wit PVR HTS
I'm owner of Vu+ zero 4k  receiver. I'm installed OATV v6.3 and started KODI. At first I had not nothing from PVR clients but with command:
opkg install kodi-addons-meta
I got it. After filling the data in HTS TVHeadend client and enabling it, EPG is loaded and filled, but when I want to start the any of channell it do not happen anything.
If I repat this on simple PC everything working so source of IPTV is valid.

Can someone help me what can be here the problem?
What command I need more in telnet, to be able to watch?
Pastebin from full log is here:

Is it posible that no one have any kind of idea?

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No pictire/audio on Enigma2 stb OpeanATV v6.3 wit PVR HTS0