gsoc proposal
Add functionality that is able to detect, for some kind of videos, the most interesting bits (highlights)

: Deepak yadav
forum/e-mail: [email protected]
Summary: I would like to add one functionality that will able to detect for some kind of video the most interesting bit which can be happy/sad moment .Basically it provide timestamp for the movie.or cut those moment and store in the another folder.mp4 . 

How will I achieve this: THIS is can implemented through python ,ffmpeg, some classifier to detect the  frames 
 What will the project focus on: project will focus on, detection of moments in the movie , moving frames are detected  which are (x,y,t) frames moving with respect to time and (image + frame) processing 

Benefits:  For those who want highlights of a movie ,summarize version of movie , save time ,no need to rewatch  whole movie for to get those happy/sad moment
Goals: no one think about movie summary .so just want to add this function to this great community. I know code base is very complex and i may find  difficulty in implementing ,as this GSOC  is for developing as well as for learning .keeping these thing in my mind i am looking  forward .under your guidance it can be done 
What does it touch in Kodi: vedio part
Requirements: What is needed to complete the project : python
i started coding 4 years back
i am new to this community 
doing engineering  major in computer science
Hey there, nice to have you.

I'm not sure how valuable that really is. As most movies come with chapters anyway or most people just don't care.
thank you for reply .
movie come with chapter they but  dont tell about the happy moments
1)it will  be used for editing ..
2) we can take clips from movie ..
3)it save time dont need to go through whole movie ....
4) anyone can make compilation  of clip very easily 
 5) for audio file  it will detect high beats and bass times

i hope you will consider it and suggest some changes  
thank you

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