GSoC 2019 Proposal: Interested in "Creating Add-on Submission Web-app".
Name: Hrithik Adhikari

E-mail: [email protected]

Summary:  This web app/API will be a simple and user friendly. It will have GitHub OAuth, user will be able to send PR directly using it. It will have a few levels of PR validators to check if there are some changes required before submitting PR. it will help the client to know some common errors before submitting it finally. It will store client's add-on and will let them make small changes their only using in-built Code Editor. Client will be notified about the changes requested and the status of their PR.

How will I achieve this: This can be implemented using Django for back-end and basic front-end can be created for simple User-Interface. For Code Editors there are many open source code editors that will work in our case ( though I recommend Code Mirror as it is used at many places such as FreeCodeCamp and CodePen ).

What will the project focus on: Project will focus on making the process of submitting the add-on PR as simple and guided as possible. it will be well structured and commented (it will make it easier for future development). Validation of  code will give the results in a very user friendly manner.

Benefits:  It will give a common platform for clients to submit their add-ons. Will reduce work load on reviewers as it will validate the code of add-on using basic checks. It can also be linked with existing add-on checker to get it checked completely (optional). Client will receive notification mail when their PR has been merged or any changes have been requested by reviewer.

Goals: 12 weeks may not be great amount of time so I will be more focused to make fully functional back-end. I will make a basic front-end without too much animations. I will have to go through the code base of add-on checker too to see how can we use it in our Webapp.

Requirements: Python + Django, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, BootStrap4.
About me: I am currently in 3rd year of my college. I am doing Mechanical Engineering from BITS-Pilani, India. I am very much interested in developing new software ( open source ) which will help the community.I am open to learn new things. I like challenges. I started coding 5 years back in my high school. At the beginning stage I did C++, then I switched to Python. I have also done competitive coding (just intermediate level). I have developed a Django based Database Management System.

GitHub: Link 
I have a little knowledge of Open Source Community. My first experience in open source community was with on mentorship-backend.
Welcome, nice to have you here.
How can I start contributing. My tech stack is: Python- Django and Flask, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Hi! I am Hrithik Adhikari, 3rd year Mechanical Engineering student from India. I am very much interested in the Idea of creating Web Portal for Add-on Submission (link to proposal). My tech stack includes: Python- Django and Flask, HTML, CSS, JavaScript. I would like to work for this proposal in my summers. I went through the GitHub repositories but couldn't find something related to this proposal. I have gone through the add-on checker. I want a little help to start with contributing here. If anyone can suggest me something something I will try my best on it. Any leads will work Smile

I'll merge you back into the GSOC forum and your original post. I am sure @Razze or others will be along in due course to provide guidance.
My Signature
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A team member worked on this at one point
I've never tried it
@Razze  Will it be necessary to work on that particular project or can I work on a separate one from scratch?
(2019-03-06, 10:19)LordGameleo Wrote: @Razze  Will it be necessary to work on that particular project or can I work on a separate one from scratch?
 Entirely up to you, but if it's about the technolgy used, please see it as a tool and just use what's right for the job.
@Razze  I would like to discuss about the Idea in my proposal. I would like to ask few things:
- Are there any specifications from your side that you would like to incorporate in the proposal.
- Is it open for adding additional features? If yes, Can we discuss it sometime?
- Is there any IRC channel or something like that where we can discuss these things actively.

I'm not a mentor, but I can answer at least the question about the IRC channel Wink

there's #kodi-gsoc on freenode. If you join that channel you are able to talk to the specific mentors using the "@<mentorname>"-method to ping them. Be aware that answer might take some time. So don't understand it as a hotline Wink

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GSoC 2019 Proposal: Interested in "Creating Add-on Submission Web-app".0