Switch from Window to Full-screen crashes Kodi
Fresh install of Leia on Intel NUC with NextPVR backend. Changing to windowed mode works fine but when I switch it back to full-screen, it crashes completely.
To work around it I have had to directly edit the config file to set DESKTOP mode to get it back.
(2019-03-19, 05:21)othello1 Wrote: Fresh install of Leia on Intel NUC
- Does Kodi crash when the NextPVR is not installed?
- Which OS is it running? Windows 7/8/10 32/46bit, MS store/exe installed, Linux (Ubuntu,LibreELEC..?) A debug log (wiki) helps with identifying hardware & software info.

We're not living in the T-Ford times anymore, things are a bit more complex these days. Smile

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Switch from Window to Full-screen crashes Kodi0