Getting movie information by right-clicking on a folder name in Files browser
I have used Kodi extensively in the past... Back when it was called xbmc. I even used it on an old Xbox back in the day...

Now I'm finally playing with the latest version. I like to simply browse my directory structure directly, rather than using the "library". I do it as follows:

- Click on Movies on the left
- Browse until I get to Files
- Browse to my desired movie

Great. Except how do I get movie information? In the old versions of Kodi, I could simply right-click on a folder name and choose "Movie information". Now that option is no longer there. Is there a way to get it back in the file browser?

(2019-03-29, 21:20)42movies Wrote: how do I get movie information
Movie Information is a library feature. If you have not scraped your movies into the library... then where would the information come from?

If you have scraped your movies, then press i on your keyboard or remote.
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Thanks for the reply! Previously, the information would be scraped on an as-needed basis when right-clicking on the file/folder and choosing Movie information. I guess this feature is no longer available?
Yes it is available. If you press i, then it will either...

a. Show the Movie information page if the movie has been scraped, or
b. Will start the scraping process for that individual movie.

Have you tried it?
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(2019-03-29, 21:20)42movies Wrote: choose "Movie information".
One wonders what version that was....and what your 'latest' is. Let's try out the logic of it, if they are just files how could any media information be available (keystroke, mouse click whatever) unless the meta-data was included with the file and of course we're not at that stage yet (although some videos I've seen, are now coming with artwork embedded). If Kodi does the scrape (could have been in the background with scran all media on start selected) then meta-data becomes available and would function as you describe. The differences between library mode and file mode is slight when your library has been created.

I still have my XBMC 13.2 and it doesn't do that, my memory goes back to Camelot.

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Getting movie information by right-clicking on a folder name in Files browser0