Renaming movies from data in file?
Since getting a new TV that supports HDR, i try and watch those versions if possible, and a lot of the new skins pull information about the movies from the file names, .HDR .DTS-HD etc etc
but my movies are all neatly named like aquaman (2018) with no extra information in the file name, is the a program that can rename my files by extracting the info from the file itself creating a proper file name, like aquaman (2018).HDR.DTS-HD.mkv
Main - LG - OLED65CX6LA 65" Smart 4K Ultra HD HDR OLED TV - Yamaha RXV383 - N2plus running CoreELEC Nexus - Harmony Elite remote
BedRoom - Panasonic DX-700 UHD TV - N2 running CoreELEC Nexus - Harmony Elite remote
Server - debian based 10TB Media Server 
Renaming your files also means rescraping them, meaning losing your watched status and/or resume points.
(2019-04-16, 16:22)Klojum Wrote: Renaming your files also means rescraping them, meaning losing your watched status and/or resume points.


Yeah thats fine, im starting a new clean library soon anyway.

Main - LG - OLED65CX6LA 65" Smart 4K Ultra HD HDR OLED TV - Yamaha RXV383 - N2plus running CoreELEC Nexus - Harmony Elite remote
BedRoom - Panasonic DX-700 UHD TV - N2 running CoreELEC Nexus - Harmony Elite remote
Server - debian based 10TB Media Server 

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Renaming movies from data in file?0