v18 JSON-RPC different response after watching file

I'm having an issue with plugin video content.
When ever I play files for first time and fo `Player.GetItem` the results is like this:
    "id": 20,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "item": {
            "episode": 1,
            "file": "plugin://plugin.video.nakamori/episode/183641/file/0/play",
            "label": "The Invincible Baby Face",
            "lastplayed": "",
            "mediapath": "",
            "playcount": 1,
            "season": 1,
            "showtitle": "Air Gear",
            "title": "The Invincible Baby Face",
            "tvshowid": -1,
            "type": "episode",
            "uniqueid": {
                "aid": "1952",
                "eid": "183641"
            "userrating": 0

But if I play the same file again the results its this:


    "id": 21,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "item": {
            "episode": -1,
            "file": "",
            "label": "The Invincible Baby Face",
            "lastplayed": "2019-06-04 07:16:41",
            "mediapath": "",
            "playcount": 0,
            "season": -1,
            "showtitle": "",
            "title": "",
            "tvshowid": -1,
            "type": "unknown",
            "userrating": 0

As you see the content is different, yet this is same file from same menu. I assume that for some reason the file which is the plugin url to play real file is getting translated and then saved under mediapath. And whenever I ask kodi to play same file it match the mediapath and get info from database which are missing.
Proud developer for Shoko and Nakamori. Long time xbmc/kodi user. IT Freak at Monogatari.
Also it looks like after playing file from time to time I end up having different list of items (cached one, those are only files that have been played before)


And the cached one:

Proud developer for Shoko and Nakamori. Long time xbmc/kodi user. IT Freak at Monogatari.

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JSON-RPC different response after watching file0