Emby Server setup on NAS. Kodi cannot access shared folders
I have used Kodi and Openelec for years without issues. Media files are stored on my Synology DS918+. Each Kodi machine (5 in total) had their own library. I recently decided to try out Emby to organize my libraries on one single machine and share them over my home network. Unfortunately, the Kodi machines are unable to access the content. Here's what I did:

1. Installed Emby Server on my Syno NAS.
2. Created 1 user in Emby Server 
3. Created new movie and TV-show libraries based of the original media folders
4. Entered the Network path for these libraries (volume1/movies and volume1/series and the path substitutions (i.e. \\andromeda\movies and \\andromeda\series)
5. Set permissions to the shared folders for the user embysvr to read/write
6. Installed Emby for Kodi
7. Logged in with username/pass to connect  with Emby Server on Andromeda
8. Chose 'Native' (I prefer this mode)
9. Sync Libraries

As soon as the sync starts, an error pops up: Kodi can't locate file smb://andromeda/movies/firstmovie.mp4 
This happens on both Kodi and Openelec machines. I changed the path substitutions to their respective IP addresses (\\\movies) but the problem persists. Browsing to the shares via the file manager does let me access the media files, so it does not seem to be a permissions issue, but line 890 in the log says: XFILE::CWin32SMBDirectory::ConnectAndAuthenticate: Username/password combination was not accepted by "\\\Movies". I have no idea where to enter these credentials...;

log: https://paste.kodi.tv/ojogegejut
Alright.... this can be marked as Fixed.

Seems I had to enter the path substitution as \\andromeda\movies\ instead of \\andromeda\movies. But only for the movies share as it was the first folder to be scanned.

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Emby Server setup on NAS. Kodi cannot access shared folders0