Spoofing Referral URL
So I've gone ahead and compiled a massive list of direct movie links (about 250), made both .strm files and a .plx file (for within navi-x). And it appears that through foolishness I didn't realize that these will only load with a spoofed referral url.

I checked the wiki, and forums thoroughly and was able to find that the scraper.xml allows url spoofing using regex, but I don't know if it's possible to load movies from within an .xml file or where to start honestly.

Anyone have any ideas? I have this massive collection of links, it would be a shame to let them go to waste.

Any help would be appreciated
in settings there is a proxy server?
For python coding questions first see http://mirrors.xbmc.org/docs/python-docs/
unfortunately a proxy is used to report the accessing URL, but not the referral URL. Meaning I can easily use a proxy to change "MY" ip, but I can't use it to change the referral URL.

URL Referral spoofing is used when a video only works when accessed from another specific website. Like I had mentioned the Scraper.xml document in the wiki mentions it use, in the proper way, but I don't know how to use the feature outside of a scraper.
Quote:scraper.xml allows url spoofing using regex
what! how does that work!?
By Url spoofing I take you mean to spoof the referer url in the HTTP headers when requesting/streaming urls via HTTP protocol. Who knows if other protocols even have referer urls.. and how to spoof them...

If you want to spoof the referer url when streaming them with XBMC, I'd think this is more a xbmc issue and the method in which they stream HTTP streams.. maybe there are some options when choosing to stream HTTP streams with xbmc that allow custom header injections...

If you are trying to do this in python though, its fairly easy. You can use urllib2 and form a request object with custom headers. I don't know the capablity of python in xbmc in its control of streaming the video content however... I thought all python could do was download it and when you use the "play" control xbmc inner controls takes over...
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