Audio levels massively different on the same file on 2 different installs of Kodi??
Hi Everyone,

I've been running Kodi on a Sony Android TV until Sony decided they didn't like it!

I've now bought an S96 Air.

When I run a file on the TV I have the audio set to around the mid 20 mark on the TV sound.
When I run the same file on the new box the audio has to be in the mid 80's before I can hear anythingHuh
I'm running the latest v18.8 on the box.

Can anyone suggest what might be the problem?  Or could it be just a hardware issue with the box?

Many thanks...
Kodi has its own volume controls, so first thing to check is whether these are set correctly.

Play something, and bring up the on-screen display. Under settings, you should see an audio settings option. Open that and confirm that both audio and audio amplification are set to maximum (0dB setting). That will make Kodi's volume maximum, and you can then control the actual audio via the TV's own volume controls.

If that fixes things then there is an option in there to set those values as default for all files (normally I think it's the last setting in the menu) which should make it generic.
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(2020-08-23, 11:16)DarrenHill Wrote: Kodi has its own volume controls, so first thing to check is whether these are set correctly.

Play something, and bring up the on-screen display. Under settings, you should see an audio settings option. Open that and confirm that both audio and audio amplification are set to maximum (0dB setting). That will make Kodi's volume maximum, and you can then control the actual audio via the TV's own volume controls.

If that fixes things then there is an option in there to set those values as default for all files (normally I think it's the last setting in the menu) which should make it generic.

I've set everything the same on both installed, the problem remains!   I've raised the vol on the boxes Kodi to compensate but I need to be at +25db to get anything close to the right level?  That seems a very large offset?
Is it possible to install another player app (VLC or something like that) on the box to see if it's a Kodi issue vs a box issue.

That said, the only items for volume in Kodi are the ones I mentioned above.
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(2020-08-23, 12:06)DarrenHill Wrote: Is it possible to install another player app (VLC or something like that) on the box to see if it's a Kodi issue vs a box issue.

That said, the only items for volume in Kodi are the ones I mentioned above.

Okay, so I've installed VLC.  It has the same issue, but when I enable pass through the sound goes back to what it should be (played through a soundbar and controlled by it's remote ).   But when I enable pass through on Kodi nothing changes?  This sort of suggests that (this install of) Kodi isn't enabling pass through correctly doesn't it?
I have uninstalled Kodi and reinstalled it and that hasn't changed anythingHuh
So it is an issue with the box for the overall volume, but from what you describe there may be a passthrough issue somewhere in Kodi too.

That is a feature I don't use in Kodi, so will need to leave it to someone else to give you advice there - sorry.
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Audio levels massively different on the same file on 2 different installs of Kodi??0