PC Kodi and Yatse , won't come out of PC screensaver mode
hi members ,  i have a small issue i will list what i am using below.  Quite simply i am using Yatse and Kodi DSplayer 17.6 ,  when my PC goes into the Windows screensaver Kodi won't come out of screensaver mode when prompted with Yatse.  If i move the mouse Kodi has launched though ,  another thing is if my PC turns off my monitor Yatse and Kodi will turn my monitor back on.

AMD Radeon RX 570 , even tried HD 7970
Kodi DS Player 17.6
Yatse , Android Phone
MadVR v0.92.17

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Why not disable the windows blanking operation and use Kodi built blanker? Sounds like once the windows routine kicks in the o/s pushes Kodi to the background, at that point Kodi is no longer in focus; that's why Kodi control is not happening. I suspect that the relaunch Kodi from windows button will bring Kodi back to focus.

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PC Kodi and Yatse , won't come out of PC screensaver mode0