Updating NFS library paths for change of IP address?
I have been using Kodi with NFS for some time, finding it the most reliable way to share files with Kodi. 

I just moved house and have a new ISP which has restrictions on what I can do with the router. While I can reserve and IP address, I can't choose which IP is reserved. This leaves me with a problem as the IP address my media server has been given is not the one I used to use.

I've been trying to figure out how to update my library with the new IP, but I can't seem to find where the data is held. I used DB Broswer for SQLite to look through the tables, and can't find anything. I then tried grepWin to search the whole Kodi userdata directory can't find it there either.

Can anyone please tell me where my IP address for NFS sources is captured, and the easiest way to update it?

I'm an idiot. I just realised the problem. I've been searching the Kodi install on my media server, to which of course, all the files are local. I need to search on the install on my Nvidia Shield. I could use help with figuring out how to do that. Should I post again in the android forum?
(2021-05-16, 16:27)megapleb Wrote: Should I post again in the android forum?
Yes, most windows users wouldn't know that pathing off hand, but I would definitely leave the 'idiot comment out.
(2021-05-16, 16:27)megapleb Wrote: Should I post again in the android forum?
No, I'll move this thread over to Android.

You can find paths to the Kodi Data folder here... https://kodi.wiki/view/Kodi_data_folder

Paths used by the library are held in the MyVideosxx.db database. Only fiddle with them if you understand databases and SQL.. https://kodi.wiki/view/Databases
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(2021-05-16, 16:24)megapleb Wrote: This leaves me with a problem as the IP address my media server has been given is not the one I used to use.
Is that new IP address one that you can hold on to? Otherwise this problem may happen more than once.

(2021-05-16, 16:24)megapleb Wrote: Can anyone please tell me where my IP address for NFS sources is captured, and the easiest way to update it?
There is a wiki page on how-to change paths in the SQLite video database.

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Updating NFS library paths for change of IP address?0