Android Cant play DVD/UHD Isos from start

Since Matrix was released (cant say if it was from version 19.0 or 19.1) i can no longer start DVD/UHD isos from start.
If i have played the movie before so there is a resume point it starts. But if i chose play from beginning the
"Wheel" only keeps turning.

I have my movies in rar so i use add-on "RAR archive support" to play them.
Everey other movie (that are not isos) works without any problems.
Also, if i unpack them they work. So of course i can do that, but it is so much
easier to have them in rar.

I use an nvidia shield
Any ideas on what to try?

I mean Blu-Ray/UHD isos....
(2021-07-16, 21:24)jaegarolle Wrote: Also, if i unpack them they work. So of course i can do that, but it is so much easier to have them in rar.

Personally I see really no benefits whatsoever technically in keeping videos (which are already compressed files) in RAR format. The extra steps for extracting and viewing a video file can be quite the burden for a device with a low-power CPU with the extracted file blocks having to be put in memory or on disk somewhere like a swap file. And when the RAR file gets damaged, the entire DVD/UHD video is unplayable. So what is the "easier" part? I'm just curious.

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Cant play DVD/UHD Isos from start0