[Windows Alpha 4] bug xbmc crashes every time on exit
xbmc crashes every time on exit 5 times in a row.

1x no crash but that was with no buttons pushed in XBMC

windows error log : http://pastebin.com/d1900e022
xbmc error log : http://pastebin.com/d397d175c
pastbin went wrong
xbmc log : http://pastebin.com/m249fff95
It's a known fault (see the release thread) in alpha 4 that's already been addressed in SVN.

A workaround is to disable the RSS feeds (settings->appearance).
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Same experience for me, crashing using the exit menu, but pressing "End" button on keyboard, it shutdown correctly
jmarshall Wrote:It's a known fault (see the release thread) in alpha 4 that's already been addressed in SVN.

A workaround is to disable the RSS feeds (settings->appearance).

Thanks for that, I came on here to see if I could find an answer as it has been killing my Reliability Monitor Index in Vista. Not that it is a big probalem but little things annoy me.


Big Grin

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[Windows Alpha 4] bug xbmc crashes every time on exit0