Kodi 19.1 Crashing Help
When I upgraded to Kodi 19 from 18.9, I began experiencing severe crashing issues on my Windows 10 machine.  Mostly it crashed often when starting a video file.   Upgrading to 19.1 did not help that issue. However, recently 19.1 crashes within seconds of boot up.  If I revert back to 18.9, this fixes the problem.  Obviously I would much rather run the new version.  Any help as to what in the world is the problem would be much appreciated.  I have included a complete log.  I believe I have done this properly.  If I have not, please let me know.  Thank you.  

Can you try the latest 19.1 nightly from here please?
Let us know if the issue still persists.
With the fix in as 18.9; suggests this is a python 3 issue. A quick look at the log turns up 'Starting video library startup scan' (corrupt file?) and multiple old skins, some of which are no longer compatible with Matrix e.g. Failed to load skin 'skin.transparency'. You can try a deletion/rename of your guisettings.xml and see if the default skin Estuary will bring the set-up back. Best suggestion would be a Portable mode (wiki) installation of Matrix, If you can set for wasapi passthrough, no sync, no refresh, no rss and let's see if a plain vanilla Matrix will run on this hardware.
(2021-08-02, 17:15)OTinley Wrote: Can you try the latest 19.1 nightly from here please?
Let us know if the issue still persists.

I installed nightly KodiSetup-20210731-5f726439-master-x64 as you suggested and it did solve my instantaneous crashing problem. Thank you.   

However, it crashes the instant I start a video file the vast majority of the time now.  Here is the complete log for one of those times:


Thank you so much for your help.
(2021-08-02, 17:19)PatK Wrote: With the fix in as 18.9; suggests this is a python 3 issue. A quick look at the log turns up 'Starting video library startup scan' (corrupt file?) and multiple old skins, some of which are no longer compatible with Matrix e.g. Failed to load skin 'skin.transparency'. You can try a deletion/rename of your guisettings.xml and see if the default skin Estuary will bring the set-up back. Best suggestion would be a Portable mode (wiki) installation of Matrix, If you can set for wasapi passthrough, no sync, no refresh, no rss and let's see if a plain vanilla Matrix will run on this hardware.

I created a portable more installation as  you suggested and Matrix crashes in seconds.  I have barely enough time to keyboard toggle the debug log.  Here is the complete log for the portable mode startup:


thank you so much for your hlelp.
Theoretically this set-up shouldn't crash given all the pieces are solid and in the correct position, can you give it one more go with 1920x1080x60 desktop (atm you have Desktop Resolution: 3840x2160 32Bit at 60Hz) I'm suspecting gfx issues, a re-install of the latest Nvidia driver might help (FTL: CreateGUI - using the default windowing system).
(2021-08-02, 17:15)OTinley Wrote: Can you try the latest 19.1 nightly from here please?
Let us know if the issue still persists.

Am I wrong or does your link lead to a Version 20 "N" version of KODI?
(2021-08-04, 20:21)melons2 Wrote: Am I wrong or does your link lead to a Version 20 "N" version of KODI?

You are right.
For Matrix nightlies it's http://mirrors.kodi.tv/nightlies/windows/win64/Matrix/
(2021-08-04, 16:35)PatK Wrote: Theoretically this set-up shouldn't crash given all the pieces are solid and in the correct position, can you give it one more go with 1920x1080x60 desktop (atm you have Desktop Resolution: 3840x2160 32Bit at 60Hz) I'm suspecting gfx issues, a re-install of the latest Nvidia driver might help (FTL: CreateGUI - using the default windowing system).
So I took your suggestion and changed the resolution to 1080p.  The portable version is rock solid now.  The application stayed open and I started and stopped multiple video files without any crash.  I could not make it crash no matter how hard I tried.  I have the latest Nvidia driver (471.41).  In fact, I have gone through probably 3 Nvidia driver updates while experiencing this issue.  In any event I reinstalled the Nvidia driver as well.  

Here is the log of the now rock solid portable version:


I changed the resolution on my non portable version of Matrix and it still crashes when I start a file most of the time.  Here is the log for that:


We are close to finding the solution are we not?  You guys have been remarkable.  Thank you.
Specs of your NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030 adapter indicates 2gig of gfx memory and your tests, lead me to suspect a memory shortfall on the card. The second log is with Kodi (20.0-ALPHA1) and may have other cutting edge issues "Unable to retrieve registry settings for Windows 8+ workaround" and another 15 errors. Stick with the portable installation and build on the Kiss principle, suggest the Nexus build is a tad Alpha for stability.
I have very similar problems withi Kodi build 19.0.1 on Windows 10 64-bit with Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti running 2560x1440 144 Hz.
Kodi crashes when browsing an http video source, but only if the current folder contains video files (it does not crash in folders containing only other kind of files).
It never crashes when browsing a local drive video source or a SMB video source.

I do not remember this problem happening before version 18.8.

Dropping display settings down to 1920x1080 60Hz does not help.

See Github issue I opened about 9 months ago:
(2021-08-07, 18:38)colemar Wrote: I do not remember this problem happening before version 18.8.
Rectification: I tried almost all versions from kodi-18.0-Leia_rc1-x64 up until the latest Matrix nightly and the problem is exactly the same.
The links for the debug log are no longer available. Your problem doesn't sound the same as the o/p, more of networking; please start a new thread with debug log links and a description pointing to the github post which will allow a new set of eyes to peruse the issue.
(2021-08-07, 19:59)PatK Wrote: The links for the debug log are no longer available. Your problem doesn't sound the same as the o/p, more of networking; please start a new thread with debug log links and a description pointing to the github post which will allow a new set of eyes to peruse the issue.
New thread:

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