"Connection Refused" problem on Kodi 18 / 19 using KORE / YATSE from an Android phone
Hi Community!

I have similar problems like described in this thread https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=324300 ... however I experience them more frequently ... and they still exist using Kodi 18 and now Kodi 19. I've also tried OpenELEC, LibreELEC and OSMC ... always the same problem:

I want to play music or videos from the NAS. Or stream radio via the radio app ...
When I select a title the first time --> all good. 2 o. 3 more titles more usually still go.
But then I can no longer click on any title (no matter if file or station in the app) .. or if I click on it, I always get the same error message in KORE or YATSE:

Couldn't play media file.
Error message:
java.net.ConnectException: failed to connect to / (port 80) from / (port 42218) after 5000ms: isConnected failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused). is the RP is my Android Phone

When this condition occurs, the host is also shown as offline in the app

Here is a log file that was created while this error happened 2 or 3 times: https://paste.kodi.tv/uhacuwoxob.kodi

That's my setup:
- Kodi on Raspberry Pi 3 (currently Kodi 19 via OSMC)
- Audio/Video data on NAS Synology DS218j
- Network LAN ... RP and NAS are connected via cable through the Fritz!Box 7530 router ... with a TP-Link Deco M9 as access point
- KORE or YATSE Apps as remote control on my Android Phone

Unfortunately I can't code and have only rudimentary network knowledge ... I just can't figure out the problem.
I have - as already written - tried several distros and Kodi versions ... always the same problem. I also tried a non-Kodi based system - Volumio ... that worked  smoothly. No problems. But of course, Kodi has much more functionality and I would much rather have Kodi. But as it currently runs, it's just no fun ...

... maybe someone here in the community can help me. I would be very happy!

You are using OSMC here, have you already contacted them on this subject?

For Kore/Yatse to work, Kodi's webserver needs to be enabled, along with a password. Best is to enable options on that settings page. Is that the case?
Also, kindly do not cut off parts of the Kodi log file. Each info piece can be relevant to your puzzle.
Log reports BCM2835, this means it's a Pi 1 or Pi Zero with 512M of RAM.  Seeing that the log is doing a tail -F and captured via terminal I can see Kodi restarting multiple times.  This suggests that you are probably running into out of memory issues.  dmesg on the console or /var/log/syslog may report OOM killer to confirm that.  But perhaps it's time to pick up an upgrade?

I saw you said Pi 3, can you confirm that for sure?  It might be the log just reports it as a BCM2835 (never paid that close of attention).  Maybe cat /proc/cpuinfo?

Another you can do is poke around in your .kodi/temp folder and see if there is any recent crash logs.  At least what your showing suggests Kodi is restarting, and as abrupt as it is it''s either  a crash or OOM.
Hi Klojum!

Thank you very much for the swift response!

>> You are using OSMC here, have you already contacted them on this subject?
I had exactly the same issue using Kodi with OpenELEC and LibreELEC ... so it seems to me the issue is rather Kodi related.

>> For Kore/Yatse to work, Kodi's webserver needs to be enabled, along with a password. Best is to enable options on that settings page. Is that the case?
They work for most of the time ... until they do not work anymore for a certain amount of time. Afterward they work again.
So I guess I have the webserver on. But I will double-check if you let me know, which setting I should look up exactly.

>>Also, kindly do not cut off parts of the Kodi log file. Each info piece can be relevant to your puzzle.
Sorry for that! Should I try to create another logfile?

Thanks for your support, Klojum!
Hi wagnerch42!

Thanks for your reply!

My computer is a Raspberry Pi 3 B with 1 GB RAM. If that's not enough for Kodi, then I might consider an upgrade. But it is definitely not a RPI 1 or Zero.

Concerning your statements:
- dmesg on the console or /var/log/syslog may report OOM killer to confirm that.
- Maybe cat /proc/cpuinfo?
... unfortunately, I don't understand them. Would be great if you could give me some hints or links that help me to understand ...

Thanks a lot!
A RPi3B is more than capable to handle external support to the likes of Kore/Yatse. This is a network thing, not a cpu matter.
(2021-12-11, 22:24)reini76 Wrote: ... unfortunately, I don't understand them. Would be great if you could give me some hints or links that help me to understand ...

I presume you have ssh access, so maybe the easiest thing to do is run "grab-logs -A" and provide the link it spits out.  You can find more details on the OSMC site about it:


It will collect crash logs, kodi logs, system logs, and system information and upload it to a pastebin-like site.  You can also share this same link on the OSMC Forums if you took Klojum's advice, as they might be familiar with the specific issues related to their OS & builds of Kodi.  From that data collection, should be able to see if there is an OOM killer in the logs or a crash.  Sometimes the crashes are add-on related, so that is also another route you can go (disabling addons, until you think it's stable).

If you don't have ssh access, then that link I gave you above will tell you how to do it through the UI, but you will want to do this right after the problem happens.  As for the Pi 3B, no direct experience myself but I believe people are running them on Kodi 19.
thanks a lot, wagnerch42!

that advise helped :-)
here is the link: https://paste.osmc.tv/hawiroguju

i will also post my problem in the osmc forum.


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"Connection Refused" problem on Kodi 18 / 19 using KORE / YATSE from an Android phone0