Excluding NO_LABEL hard drives from favourites
I know that's a bit advanced stuff but I hope someone of you Kodi cracks could help me out with this.

I've got favourites.xml and sources.xml configured as follows:


    <favourite name="Filme & Serien" thumb="DefaultFolder.png">ActivateWindow(10025,&quot;library://video/files.xml/&quot;,return)</favourite>


        <default pathversion="1"></default>
        <default pathversion="1"></default>
            <path pathversion="1">smb://user:[email protected]/Media/TV/Filme/Spielfilme/</path>
            <path pathversion="1">smb://user:[email protected]/Media/TV/Serien/TV-Serien/</path>
            <path pathversion="1">smb://user:[email protected]/Media/TV/Serien/Cartoons/</path>
            <path pathversion="1">smb://user:[email protected]/Media/TV/Comedi/</path>
            <path pathversion="1">smb://user:[email protected]/Media/TV/Musikvideos/</path>
            <path pathversion="1">smb://user:[email protected]/Media/TV/Dokus/</path>
            <path pathversion="1">smb://user:[email protected]/Media/TV/Diverses/</path>
            <path pathversion="1">smb://user:[email protected]/Media/TV/Filme/Kurzfilme/</path>
            <path pathversion="1">smb://user:[email protected]/Media/TV/Filme/Cartoons/</path>
        <default pathversion="1"></default>
        <default pathversion="1"></default>
        <default pathversion="1"></default>
            <path pathversion="1">http://toptutorialsrepo.co.uk/kodi</path>

There are physical hard disks on the system labeled as "NO_LABEL" that are mounted as follows:


Now when I navigate via the Kodi GUI to Favourites --> Filme & Serien, these NO_LABEL sources are also showing up, even they are not included within my favourites.xml nor within the sources.xml file, which is very disturbing to me:


I know I could unmount them completely from the Linux filesystem, but there must be another more reliabe way to exclude them via Kodi directly.
Is there another way to exclude those NO_LABEL disks completely from the view without unmounting them?

Thanks in advance!
Not too sure if that might help, but I would give the "excludefromlisting" option via advancedsettings.xml a try


At least "file view" is mentioned. Not sure if that section will count as file view. But worth a try, I guess Wink

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Excluding NO_LABEL hard drives from favourites0