Kodi Crash at boot - Linux Mint 20.3

I'm having a similar problem. The 'solution' is to wait 10 seconds before pressing a key or moving the mouse.  My crash log attached.  Hardware is an Intel i5 r6 with 8GB of RAM. I tried upgrading Kodi but then Kodi refused to work and  I completely reinstalled the OS. This is a new HTPC box with nothing in it. Main use is using NextPVR (which requires Linux r20) to capture Free To Air TV shows off a HDHOMERUN box - and viewed using Kodi. What could be more simple than this?

Any ideas?

i placed the crash report log here- https://paste.kodi.tv/jamejijijo.kodi  - hope it works!
(2022-08-21, 04:29)skris88 Wrote: Any ideas?
I've split your post into a new thread, since the other thread should have been in the bin by now.

(2022-08-21, 04:29)skris88 Wrote: This is a new HTPC box with nothing in it.
I wouldn't call it nothing... However, I think you installed Kodi from the standard Ubuntu/Linux Mint repository:
Starting Kodi from Debian (18.6 Debian package version: 2:18.6+dfsg1-2ubuntu1). Platform: Linux x86 64-bit
You need to follow the instructions on the Kodi Wiki page, and use Kodi's PPA when installing Kodi.

(2022-08-21, 04:29)skris88 Wrote: i placed the crash report log here
2022-08-21 12:09:50.834 T:139935275082624 NOTICE: Disabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 0.
A debug log (wiki) preferably has 'Debugging' enabled. If crashes happen too fast, you can also enable debugging via Kodi's advancedsettings.xml file.

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Kodi Crash at boot - Linux Mint 20.30