xbmc/repo-plugins pull request checm message
i try to add an add-on to xbmc/repo-plugins.
when a submit  the pull requests  i get the message :
Quote:1 workflow awaiting approval
Quote:First-time contributors need a maintainer to approve running workflows. Learn more.1 expected check
any help PLS
(2022-08-22, 20:04)kabcasa Wrote: Hi,
i try to add an add-on to xbmc/repo-plugins.
when a submit  the pull requests  i get the message :
Quote:1 workflow awaiting approval
Quote:First-time contributors need a maintainer to approve running workflows. Learn more.1 expected check
any help PLS

You just need to wait for the Team Kodi member monitoring that queue.  It can takes a couple of days, depending upon how busy they are.  I've had some go through quick and others take 5-7 days.

Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
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Thank you.

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