Cannot control volume
Hi all,
Just installed CE (CoreELEC) 20 on an SD and booted up my N2. CE 19 is on my eMMC. The N2 is connected via HDMI to my Sony TV that’s connected via eARC to my Soundbar.

I control the volume of the Soundbar using the TV remote volume buttons in Kodi 19. In Kodi 20 this is not working, you can see the TV receive the IR signal as the light at the bottom of the TV blinks but you don’t get the volume setting overlay poping up at the bottom of the screen.

If I remove the SD, reboot to Kodi 19 all is good again. Put the SD back in and reboot and no volume control of the Soundbar/TV.

How the hell can this happen with a different version of Kodi? I don’t understand.


Kodi 20 dmesg

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Cannot control volume0